To Preserve, Launder and Protect
We fight dirty with 99.9% effectiveness; washing, sanitizing, and disinfecting with a vengeance to preserve and protect you and your family, your healthy sport and work garment and gear investment, your home, your world, and your peace of mind.
Life in the Alberta Industrial Heartland can be messy, but messes are made to clean up… Sometimes after the job, and sometimes after the game, but always with the help of a Cloak & Shield.
Pick up and delivery service now available!
Wage Germ Warfare
From sport and work garments, uniforms and linens, to PPE and padded equipment, you wear it well. And we’ll help you keep it that way.
Locally-owned and operated in Gibbons, Alberta, Cloak & Shield’s state-of-the-art Esporta IS4000 advanced weaponry system is laboratory-proven to eradicate over 99% of the moulds, fungus, bacteria, and pathogens spawned from the accumulation of dirt, grime, sweat and biohazardous infectious materials such as blood or body waste, collected during rigorous work and sport activity, which, if left untreated on clothing or gear, can lead to toxic odours, skin irritations or rashes, and the deadly transfer of contagions causing illness or disease.
In compliance with the NOCSAE of North America (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment), and endorsed by professional athletes, coaches, trainers, and equipment manufacturers and managers, our hypo-allergenic four-stage deep clean detergent and disinfectant wet-wash process deploys a non-abrasive, non-toxic, and environmentally and materially-safe blend of bio-degradable and phosphate free detergents, solvents, brighteners, and fragrance infusers to penetrate deep into nylons and fabric, and soft foams and padding. These highly-pressurized, yet stable and stationary wash cycles prevent the discomfort and dangers of foul stenches and sickness without harming or breaking down plastics, paint, glue, foam, or cloth; effectively prolonging the life of your cloaking garments and shielding equipment.

How it Works
For pricing on other sports equipment such as football, lacrosse, ringette, skiing, snowmobiling, baseball, ATV, motorcross, etc. please contact or 780.940.4948.
Cloak & Shield Esporta Wet Wash vs. Ozone
Four-stage wet clean detergent with disinfectant process – deep cleans into foam and padding.
Environmentally safe cleaning process. Recommended by Hockey Canada, USA Hockey, and Centre for Disease Control.
Delivers the same results every time. Does not break down equipment. No harmful gases.
The wash process flushes away sweat, blood, and bacteria – which eliminates odours.
Published lab results to verify bacteria kill rates of 99.9%.
Placed in a compartment filled with gas.
EPA and Health Canada states that ozone gas is an air pollutant which can potentially be harmful and cause health problems if inhaled.
Ineffective on damp equipment. Ozone is not concentrated enough or focused long enough to penetrate the inner most parts of padding. H2O2 in ozone is corrosive and destroys cloth, threads, rubber and plastic, and discolours equipment.
Ozone reduces odours, but a heavy metallic smell remains. Sweat, fungus, blood, and mucous remain in the equipment.
No published lab results.
About Us
Inspired to victory by our Celtic warrior ancestry, at Cloak & Shield we provide more than just affordable garment (cloak) and equipment (shield) cleaning and sterilization services with convenient, hassle-free pickup and delivery for athletes, labourers and doers at risk from harmful moulds, bacteria, and pathogens — we wage germ warfare; washing, sanitizing, and disinfecting with a vengeance to protect both professional and weekend warriors, their gear, and their peace of mind.
Stationed in Gibbons, Alberta, deep in the Industrial Heartland of the province, we’re strategically positioned to deliver a clean blow to all that may threaten, soil, and ail you one shift at a time; efficiently and cost-effectively shielding the highly active and competitive, hard-working and hard-playing people of the greater Edmonton area.
As the Industrial Heartland’s ONLY dedicated sport and work laundry service, we offer a defence that towers above the rest in our determination to provide absolute ease, efficiency and affordability, flexible service, and proven results. Ever vigilant and pure of heart to repel the dirt and germs that threaten you and your family, we battle so that you may continue to fight the good fight day-to-day and shift-to-shift free from illness, odour, and the high and highly preventative costs of equipment replacement. This is why we preserve, launder, and protect…washing and disinfecting safely, responsibly, transparently, and diligently under the billowing cloak and protective shield of victorious work and sport cleaning solutions.